Latest Golf News

Best Stretches For Your Golf Game

This one stretch can dramatically benefit you golf game. If the hips are tight, especially the hip flexors, your body will be forced into a chronically hunched forward possession. This forward position will dramatically effect your ability to achieve a full back-swing and therefore limit your power. This limiting rotation can and will cause back pain by your body compensating with a reverse spine to get to the ball.

T-Spine Wall Stretch For Rotary Mobility

All athletes need a blend of flexibility, mobility, stability, strength, power and endurance. For any rotary athlete the ability to separate segments is crucial for optimal performance. In this video we demonstrate a great drill for t-spine rotary development. This drill can be done at home or in the gym and is amazing for increasing separation between the lower and upper body. Hopefully it helps.

5 Exercises To Increase Hip and Torso Speed for longer Golf Shots

Having great hip and torso speed is key to hitting the golf ball. The ability to separate the trunk from the torso is extremely important for this skill. In this video Brandon Harris CO-Founder of Premier Fitness Systems a Scottsdale Arizona gym that specializes in golf fitness and golf performance teaches you 5 exercises that will help you increase your ability to separate your lower and upper body. A main reason that a golfers swing speed is not up to par is lack of flexibility and mobility. With lack of flexibility comes a decrease in the ability to separate the hips and upper body at the begging of the downswing. A golfer that doesn't have good separation will begin to compensate with other aspects of their body. Most noticeable compensation will be with the low back! This potentially will lead to injury and definitely lack of consistency. The goal of this video is to teach 5 exercises that will help you with separation of the upper and lower body and decrease the tendency of rotating the upper body before the hips. This tendency is one of the main causes of the over the top move. All of the 5 exercises demonstrated will help you sequence your swing correctly and will immediately have a positive impact on your swing.

Golf Fitness Separation Exercises

Creating separation and dissociation between the upper and lower body is key for a quality golf swing. In this video Brandon Harris Co-Founder of Premier Fitness Systems gives you 2 variations of a great exercise to help with separation and t-spine mobility as well as lower body stability and strength.

Golf Fitness - Warm Up Routine

Here's what a Golf Fitness warm up routine looks like. Movement in your training program should mimic what you do in your golf swing. The key components being Thoracic Spine rotation, lower body stability and hip mobility. In this Golf Fitness warm up routine we take you through a warm up that we do with our golfers. Hope you guys enjoy and learn from the video. Our mission with our golf fitness program is to help golfers play better golf and play pain free

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